Automatic laser bird deterrent system
A-TOM550 uses LORD INGENIERIE’s unique innovative technology to deter birds.

Product overviews

Automatic runway scanning.
24/7 continuous operation.
Scanned runway length: up to 2600m.
In compliance with ICAO Annex 14.
Remote control and monitoring.
Automatic activity recording.
Maintenance via remote connection.

Description and applications


A-TOM550 is the only bird deterrent system developed by specialist ornithologists for the aviation community.

By nature, birds are highly sensitive to visual cues. Field measurements show that birds are most sensitive to the green color.

With A-TOM550, birds actually perceive and see a large green stick coming towards them. The only choice to avoid this stick is to escape and fly away : there is no habituation of birds to such visual technology. While a bird can become accustomed to noise and sound, it will never try to test a stick. It’s the same reflex as a bird flying away when a car approaches.

There is no visual discomfort for pilots : the laser is not visible outside a 15-degree cone : this has been approved by pilots in real-life tests lasting over five years at civil and military airports.